Global Management Polls
Annual Entrepreneurship Survey
Opinion - All fields are optional
Annual Budget Survey
What is your company annual budget expenditure?
Based on your experience, list top 10 reasons for business, venture, or project failure : (Max 2000 character)
Best market to start a business:
List up to 10 reasons for you choice: (Max 2000 character)
What, where and when is the next big business opportunity? (locally and globally)
List up to 10 opportunities: (Max 2000 character)
What are the top 10 internal (organizational) challenges for your business? List up to 10 challenges: (Max 2000 character)
What are the top 10 external challenges for your business? (Ie.g. industry/regulation) List up to 10 challenges: (Max 2000 character)
What are the next big industry/market/technology/organizational trends to watch for?
List up to 10 trends: (Max 2000 character)
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