CEO School 

CEO School - CEO Seminars - CEO Courses - Executive Seminars

Executive Seminars and Think Tank Insights

The CEO School provides executive seminars to share the latest management best practices research, insights and lessons with the management community.

Executive Education and CEO Seminars

For a complete list of Executive Education and CEO Courses, please visit:

Free Executive Seminars  Archive: (Free Downloads - Registration is not required)

Presentation materials are publicly available for free download.

Executive Seminars:

  • Executive Seminar # 1: How to Select and Evaluate a CEO?

    • The CEO's 3 top challenges. Board of Directors (BOD) and CEO performance evaluation. CEO strategy evaluation. CEO leadership evaluation. CEO performance evaluation

    • CEO Insights Whitepaper - How to Evaluation the CEO?

  • Executive Seminar # 2: How to Evaluate the Board of Directors?

  • Executive Seminar # 3: Executive Compensation Best Practices

    • Corporate Governance Best Practices: Executive Compensation Best Practices -  A guide to the Board of Directors. CEO compensation best practices. CEO performance metrics.

  • Executive Seminar # 4: CEO Succession Planning

    • Succession Planning Best Practices - A Guide to the Board of Directors

  • Executive Seminar # 5: Balanced Scorecard

    • Strategy formulation. Strategy execution. Causes of strategy failures.  Strategy alignment and performance measurement. Balanced scorecard implementation limitations and pitfalls.

  • Executive Seminar # 6: Top CEO Strategy Questions

    • The top 6 questions every board must ask its CEO. The top 12 questions all CEOs must ask their CXOs.

  • Executive Seminar # 7: CEO Strategy Metrics (KPIs)

    • Insights. Management Model Best Practices. Key performance indicators (KPIs). Leading and lagging indicators. Financial metrics,  operational metrics and shareholder value. Closed-loop performance measurement. Alignment tree and performance metrics. Benchmarking resources

  • Executive Seminar # 8: Global Leadership Challenge - Nissan Case Study

    • Leading a global organization. The decline of Nissan Motors  - A case study. Nissan partnership with Renault and Carlos Ghosn as COO. The leadership challenges. The leadership and global cultural gap. the Japanese management style. Ghosn's turnaround and cost cutting strategy. Critical success factors. Ghosn's change management principles. The change management framework.

  • Executive Seminar # 9: Restructuring and Turnaround Best Practices

    • Top internal and external causes of performance decline. IIM Turnaround methodology. Turnaround performance metrics. 9 key turnaround areas. Turnaround plan and strategic options. Turnaround lessons

  • Executive Seminar # 10: CIO and Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) Compliance Project

    • Governance, Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA), CEO & CFO. SOX Section 302 & 404. SOX Compliance Project: Discovery, assessment, remediation and testing. SOX and IT best practices COSO, COBIT and GCC. SOX compliance project methodology & timeline. SOX compliance project's deliverables.

  • Executive Seminar # 11: Executive Ethics & Social Responsibility

    • The social responsibility of business. Executive ethics and stakeholders relationship management. Do ethics pay?. Unethical/Illegal behavior. The problems of ethics. The solution to ethical problems. Ethical decision-making: The 5 ethical tests. Professional ethics best practices. The Institute's views on social responsibility. Corporate citizenship example. The Institute standards of professional conduct.

Think Tank Insights:

Courtesy Open Courseware (OCW)


2024 Executive Education Courses and Seminars Catalog

Click above to download 2024 catalog (PDF version)

Other CEO Resources


The institute's capacity building and development services include the following:

  • Executive Education: Senior Management Seminars and Management Courses
  • Bespoke Corporate Training and Corporate Retreats
  • Executive Education for Government: Government Courses and Government Seminars
  • Executive Education for Investment Managers: Investment Courses and Investment Seminars
  • Executive Education: Business Courses and Business Seminars


Client Testimonials.     Executive Education Excellence.     CEO Club.
CEO Seminars.    Action Learning.     Thought Leadership.
  Executive Education FAQ. 


The Executive Education Institute offers best of class executive education and management seminars, workshops, and master classes for government, investment and business CEOs in USA, Canada, and Europe. Top seminars: Management Leadership, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Strategy, Human Resources, HRM, HR, Marketing, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, MIS, IT, Information Systems, Operations in USA, Canada, and Europe. Delivering corporate training via In-Person (Classroom) Action-Learning, Online Distance Learning (Zoom), and Strategic Retreats. Top Seminar Cities and Venues in Las Vegas, New York, NYC, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington DC., Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, London, UK. Paris, France. Rome, Italy. Barcelona, Spain.  Zurich, Switzerland. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vienna, Austria. Dublin, Ireland. Munich, Germany. Stockholm, Sweden. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oslo, Norway. Kiev, Ukraine. Warsaw, Poland. Seminars for CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CHRO and HR Managers. All of the courses are based on best practices Executive Action Learning Model, consulting and strategic retreats
Executive Education and Professional Development
Master Classes. Workshops. Seminars.
Corporate Training.  Strategic Retreats.  Master Classes. 


Executive Education Calendar

USA and Canada Seminars Calendar 2024.
Europe Seminars Calendar 2024.


Executive Education Courses and Seminars

Executive Education.  Executive Seminars.  Executive Programs.
  Government Seminars.  CEO Seminars. 


  Global Executive Education & Onsite Seminars

  USA Seminars.   Canada Seminars. Europe Seminars.
Asia Seminars. Africa Seminars. Latin America Seminars.


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