Executive Best Practices Paper Awards

The International Institute of Management is proud to launch the worldwide best-practices consulting and white paper contest. Management consultants, executives, professors, researchers and authors have the opportunity to enter and win one of the most prestigious awards. The competition is judged by industry peers and a panel of the Institute experts. One winner will be selected and up to 9 management papers will be selected for honorable mention.

The 1st Prize
The author of the winning paper receives:

  • A prize of $5,000 including

    • Paid trip (air-ticket and hotel) to Las Vegas for awards ceremony

    • Free access to annual management conference 

    • Free life membership to the CEO Club 

  • A recognition certificate

  • A press release announcing the winners

  • Publishing of 1 page brief bio with photo on IIM website linked to the paper

  • If the paper contributes a breakthrough thinking, the author will be considered for  listing in Executive Society's "CEO Hall of Fame"

Runners-up (up to 9 papers) will receive honorable mention. The authors of the winning papers receive: 

  • A recognition certificate

  • Free access to annual management conference 

  • Free membership to the CEO Club 

  • Publishing of 1 page brief bio with photo on IIM website linked to the paper

  • A worldwide press release announcing the winners

Why Create an Award?
The world's best performing companies are responding to the increasing pressures of changing technologies, markets, customers, employees and shareholders dynamics. Managers need better understanding of the changing business environment and how their companies can best respond to these changes. Leading business schools are now recognizing these issues and incorporating them into their academic syllabus. We are looking for top experts who can demonstrate a clear understanding of the key challenges facing today's organizations, propose solutions and produce ideas for shaping the future business agenda.

Who can enter the competition?
The competition is open to all management professors, professionals, and consultants.

What should the paper address?
White papers can address the broad topic of the changing conditions and roles of economy, business and/or people. Areas for exploration might include:

  • Change   e.g. External and internal organization dynamics -  The changing roles and relationships between government, nonprofit and business sectors. Government policies and their impact on, national and international business

  • Global Economy e.g. International competition and socio-economic development

  • New Economy e.g. Knowledge, internet, E-business models,  virtual companies, tele-working, security

  • Human Resources Development e.g. Changing roles and relationships between management and employees

  • Finance and Accounting   e.g. Transparency, accountability and corporate reporting

  • Business Laws and Ethics   e.g. Corporate social responsibility, organization ethics and laws

  • New ICT Developments e.g. Emerging ICT applications and impact on business

What are the Selection Criteria?
The seven criteria against which white papers will be judged are:

  1. Subject its treatment and conclusion

  2. Relevance to research area and context

  3. Original contribution

  4. Provide new insights

  5. Demonstrate creative thinking and proposed innovative solution to management challenges

  6. Depth of analysis, illustrated with real-life examples or case studies.

  7. Clear and succinct writing style.

Who is on the judging panel?
Members from the institute's advisory board and committees will be been chosen for their outstanding career achievements and their understanding of the changing social, political and economic dimensions of the global business environment. They will be announced along with their opening of the submissions.

What are the submission and award rules?

  1. The award is open to all management professionals, researchers, professors and authors all over the world

  2. Deadline: All entries must be submitted no later than Feb 1, 2021. The winners will be notified by telephone, letter or email no later than March 1, 2021. All other entries will be automatically entered into next year's competition. The award ceremony is planned for March 30, 2021

  3. The length of the paper must be between 5,000 and 10,000 words (10-20 Pages) including the cover page, executive summary page, appendix and bibliography. (each paper must have an executive summary page)

  4. Participants must provide the title of their paper, their name, business or school, address for correspondence, telephone number and email address separately from their essay on the cover sheet. 

  5. The paper must not be oriented towards self or business promotion. Authors may include only a one time text reference to the name of the author or company and email address at the cover page (but no where else in the paper).

  6. The essay must be written in English and use Microsoft word document format

  7. Authors shall be deemed to have granted to the Institute an irrevocable, non-exclusive license, with the right to sub-license others and publish the Intellectual Property without payment of any royalty.

  8. Authors shall defend IIM against any claim that work furnished hereunder or any related Intellectual Property infringe any U.S. Patent, trade secret or copyright and will indemnify IIM and/or  against any loss, damage or liability arising from furnished work.

  9. No contact about the papers is allowed with any of the judging panel members.

  10. Not following the rules may result in disqualification/withdrawal from the contest

Important notes on Copyrights and Plagiarism

How to avoid copyright infringement?
Copyright infringement can be embarrassing and costly. Many writers and researchers use other authors' work without proper attribution. Here are some tips on how to avoid such errors:

Under fair-use rules:

  •  Make sure that you state that your paper is of a research and educational nature.

  • Avoid using large segments of someone else's expression and solutions.

  • When you use someone else's expression, include a reference to the author or the source.

  • Whenever possible, obtain the author's permission for large content before using their work.

Email your paper to:  research  (at)  iim.education

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