Executive Education Excellence

The Professional Advantage

Ten Reasons Why Clients Invest in the Institute 's Executive Education

  1. Global Networking and Development
    Successful organizations and professionals distinguish themselves by investing in their intellectual capital and network relationships. They associate with and learn from other experts in their fields. Our clients receive a free membership to the global CEO Club or the Executive Society. The membership offers access to a global forum for professional networking and business development with over 10,000 senior executives and managers
    from the global Fortune 500 and other reputable companies.

  2. Lessons from Leaders
    The Institute 's researchers have reviewed thousands of  practical ideas from the world's best management minds. Our management education content is success-oriented. The Institute researchers study the works of the most successful companies, managers and influential management thinkers to identify their best practices, critical success factors and learned lessons. Researched CEOs include names such as Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates. The courses provide experiential analysis from leading companies such as AT&T, IBM, McDonald's, Microsoft, Sony, Exxon Mobil, Boeing, and Toyota. The researchers also conduct a critical analysis of the applications and limitations of popular management theories and practices, models and frameworks, including the works of leading management gurus, such as Adams, Drucker, Hamel, and Maslow. The researchers then incorporate findings into the executive education program to provide students with the latest and most advanced thinking and tools.

  3. Experiential and Action-Learning Courses
    Unlike academic programs that tend to focus on management theory, our management training courses are designed for professionals with a focus on critical experiential insights and management best practices.
    The Institute management training is based on a unique experiential action-learning model that saves participants learning time, effort and costs. Participants can choose industry or company-specific projects, thereby bridging the knowledge-application gap. To learn more, please visit the Executive Education KASAC Model and executive action-learning (EAL) Model

  4. Return on Investment (ROI)
    The management training courses are designed to help managers innovate, solve complex problems and formulate new strategies. At the end of the course managers can leverage course work in their business, with immediate ROI to their companies.

  5. Expert Advisors
    The Institute 's advisors are seasoned management consultants who advise global Fortune 500 companies. Although we have PhDs on the advisory board, we place more weight on creative thinking and experiential analysis  than academic titles. We don't hire academics with no real-world client problem-solving experience.

  6. Less is More!
    Managers do not like to waste time; they want quick and practical knowledge. The Institute 's advisors are results-oriented. They understand key business drivers, operations and performance metrics better than most. The management training courses are designed using highly effective formats, including executive summaries, bullet points, frameworks, methodologies, checklists, tables
    and short case studies.

  7. Accelerated Courses
    Since the content of management training courses is highly focused and practical, what would normally take months of academic education, takes only days to learn via the accelerated management training model.

  8. Customized, Modular and Flexible Delivery Options
    Modular management training courses and flexible delivery options allow executives to choose the modules that are relevant to their current needs.

  9. Latest Management Research
    With the advent of globalization, rapid technology advances and a continually changing business environment, managers cannot depend on old textbooks and outdated business models. They must keep up with the latest knowledge for successful strategy formulation and decision making. The Institute 's management training courses are updated annually and provide resources to identify and address current industry trends, challenges and opportunities.

  10. Multinational Collective Intelligence
    The Institute research and education network consist of about 55 universities and organizations from 40 countries. We leverage this strong multinational network to provide the clients with a global perspective and leading advice.


See also: The Institute 's Proprietary Executive Education Model

Executive Education Courses and Advanced Programs

Management Best Practices - Customizable Training Topics



Client Testimonials.     Executive Education Excellence.     CEO Club.
CEO Seminars.    Action Learning.     Thought Leadership.
  Executive Education FAQ. 


The Executive Education Institute offers best of class executive education and management seminars, workshops, and master classes for government, investment and business CEOs in USA, Canada, and Europe. Top seminars: Management Leadership, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Strategy, Human Resources, HRM, HR, Marketing, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, MIS, IT, Information Systems, Operations in USA, Canada, and Europe. Delivering corporate training via In-Person (Classroom) Action-Learning, Online Distance Learning (Zoom), and Strategic Retreats. Top Seminar Cities and Venues in Las Vegas, New York, NYC, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington DC., Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, London, UK. Paris, France. Rome, Italy. Barcelona, Spain.  Zurich, Switzerland. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vienna, Austria. Dublin, Ireland. Munich, Germany. Stockholm, Sweden. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oslo, Norway. Kiev, Ukraine. Warsaw, Poland. Seminars for CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CHRO and HR Managers. All of the courses are based on best practices Executive Action Learning Model, consulting and strategic retreats
Executive Education and Professional Development
Master Classes. Workshops. Seminars.
Corporate Training.  Strategic Retreats.  Master Classes. 


Executive Education Calendar

USA and Canada Seminars Calendar.
Europe Seminars Calendar.


Executive Education Courses and Seminars

Executive Education.  Executive Seminars.  Executive Programs.
  Government Seminars.  CEO Seminars. 


  Global Executive Education & Onsite Seminars

  USA Seminars.   Canada Seminars. Europe Seminars.
Asia Seminars. Africa Seminars. Latin America Seminars.


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