Research Projects
Project # 2 : PARADIGMA : Global Disease Management Network
PARADIGMA - Participative Approach to Disease Global Management
European Commission Project code: 112
Duration: 18 months
Total Budget: 2.311.785 €
Sector: Healthcare networks
PARADIGMA applies a PARticipative
Approach to Global DIsease MAnagement to develop
and demonstrate, in a pilot study, an Internet based
reference framework to share scientific resources and
findings in the treatment of major diseases. PARADIGMA
defines and disseminates a common methodology and optimized
protocols to support service functions directed to patients
and individuals on matters like prevention,
post-hospitalization support, and awareness.
PARADIGMA will provide a platform of information services -
user-oriented and optimized against social, cultural and
technological constraints - supporting the Health Care
Global System of the Euro-Mediterranean Community in a
continuous improvement process.
PARADIGMA will integrate "point solutions" in a reference
structure, in order to achieve a knowledge-based platform
that can be continuously enhanced to meet renewal and
learning needs of all actors, through the concept of
Its goal is the deployment of a network based information
system to interconnect, using user-friendly,
context-adaptive and affordable solutions, the actors at all
levels in the Health Care Systems of the Euro-Mediterranean
region with the scope of supporting and promoting a
“PARticipative Approach to Disease Global Management”.
Logical Framework Overall Goals:
The project will deploy an Internet based network and a set of working services aimed to support Global Management of major Diseases, by enabling scientific resources and findings share.
Logical Framework Project Purpose:
* Integration of knowledge base and medical expertise
from local experiences.
* Participative approach in developing context-adaptable
protocols (Clinical Pathways).
* Euro-Mediterranean wide solution, user-friendly and
optimized for each operative context.
* One single entry point, web-based (portal).
* A framework ready for incremental growth of knowledge base
and diseases addressed.
* Project web server.
* 4 Clinical Pathways.
* Telemetric services providing operative support and
* A reference model and framework.
* A continuous improvement process to extend and refine the
knowledge base.
* A new and more effective working method