CEO Hall of Fame
Most Respected CEOs & CEO Hall of Fame
Henry Luce
Magazine Empire -
Time, Fortune, Life & Sports Illustrated Magazines (1898-1967)
Key Work
- Graduates from Yale as the "most brilliant student." & the Editor of Yale "Daily News" newspaper
- He worked on the Chicago Daily News and then the Baltimore News
- Joins his fellow Yale alumnus Briton Hadden and together they launch Time, Fortune, Life and Sports Illustrated magazines
- He Joins William Hearst, Lord Beaverbrook, and Lord Thomson as the media /publishing moguls of their times.
Books & References:
- Cort, David. The Sin of Henry R. Luce An Anatomy of Journalism. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group, 1974.
- Swanberg, W.A. Luce And His Empire. New York: Scribner, 1972.
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