CEO Hall of Fame
Most Respected CEOs & CEO Hall of Fame

J.P. Morgan  (John Pierpont Morgan) (1837-1912) - A Financial Giant

  • "The first thing is character…before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it…because a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom." (J.P. Morgan)

Key Work

  • Teams up with the firm of Drexel to form Drexel, Morgan, & Co.
  • Morgan managed to build a string of business interests in  railroads, shipping, and electricity industry
  • As a financier puts together stock offering of $18 million for the New York Central Railroad.
  • U.S. Government passes the Interstate Commerce Act.
  • Bail out U.S. government financial crisis twice
  • Morgan attempted to unify the railroad bosses in opposition to the U.S. government via the formation of so-called industry "trusts.
  • US government downsize his business empire.
  • Died having a reputation of greed and arrogance. Nevertheless he was one of the greatest financiers in US history

Books & References:

  • Winkler, John. Morgan the Magnificent: Life of J.P. Morgan. New York: The Vanguard Press, 1932.


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