CEO Hall of Fame
Most Respected CEOs & CEO Hall of Fame

Rupert Murdoch
Media Emperor (1931- Present) - USA

  • "Sometimes you have to pay a high price for an opportunity." (Rupert Murdoch)

Rupert Murdoch  is one of the best known media barons of the modern age. 

  • Complete education at Oxford
  • Works are Daily Express newspaper
  • Returns to Native Australia to take over from his father at the helm of the Adelaide News.
  • He moved on to expand his media empire through a spate of acquisitions across the globe. 
  • He branched into movies and television, acquiring 20th Century Fox and Fox TV in US
  • Bought The Times and The Sunday Times, in UK
  • Overcame greatest challenge from a bitter battle with the print unions. 
  • Overcame the a major debt by rescheduling 
  • Acquiring Star TV in Asia.
  • He becomes the first global media emperor

Books & References:

  • Business the Rupert Murdoch Way: 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Deal-Maker
  • Ragan, Simon. Rupert Murdoch: A business biography. London: Angus & Robertson, 1976.

Additional Resources:

  • Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
  • Who is Rupert Murdoch?


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