Executive Society: Membership Code of Conduct

You agree to abide by the following Executive Society (Society) terms and conditions for using any of its resources:

  • Respect that Executive Society is a professional Society. Members shall not use the Society or its events to promote or lobby for or against any religious, national or political affiliation.

  • You agree not to use the Executive Society platform or any of its resources including the members' website in order to: 

    • Harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress to any individual or organization or entity

    • Post or transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, abusive, inflammatory, defamatory, derogatory, vulgar, obscene, racially or ethnically hateful

    • Try to break-in or hack into Executive Society or affiliated websites or upload, email or transmit viruses, worms, spy-ware or other law- breaking programs

  • The Executive Society shall have the right to remove any submitted content that may be in violation of this agreement or any relevant laws.  

  • Although business discussions are encouraged, Executive Society shall not be used for sales, email broadcast or spam

  • Always avoid and declare any conflict of interest with the Executive Society or other members

  • Always adopt fair dealings and win-win collaboration ethics

  • Be open minded and keep a friendly and tolerant attitude

  • Act with responsible and courteous behavior

  • Respect and protect the privacy and confidentiality of Executive Society members

  • Report illegal and unethical behavior by other members to Executive Society management
  • Realize that although Executive Society moderators do their best to provide the best possible quality of services, the Executive Society assumes no liability for any transaction between the Society members. Society services are offered with the understanding that Executive Society does not endorse any of its members' behaviors

  • Users of this Executive Society waive and release the Society to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the information or services made available. Neither Executive Society nor its affiliates will be liable for any loss or damage incurred by users in the event of any failure or interruption of this site, resulting from the act or omission of any other party involving making this site available

  • You agree that in no event shall Executive Society, its trustees, directors, officers, employees or affiliates be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind.

  • Executive Society Directors reserve the right to revoke the membership of any member who violates the membership code of conduct

  • This code of conduct may be amended and updated by the Executive Society directors. Updates will be posted to this page

Thanks and best regards

Membership Management
Executive Society

Thanks and best regards

Erin B.

Membership Management


New members please email your bio and jpeg photo to: contact (at) iim.education


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