Executive Education
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Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Negotiating with Latin American Parties
Negotiation Best Practices with Latin American Businesses

Training Model: Action Learning Seminar and Workshop
Seminar Venue: USA West (Jan to Dec): Las Vegas. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Seattle.
USA East (Jan to Dec): Chicago. Houston. Miami. New York. Washington, DC.
Europe (June to Oct): Amsterdam. Barcelona. Dublin. Frankfurt. London. Paris. Rome. Vienna. Warsaw. Zurich.
Asia Pacific: Bangkok. Singapore. Tokyo. Sydney.
Ask for on-demand and unlisted course venues.
Seminar Duration: 3 Days (3 days seminar + 1 day project)
Seminar Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Seminar Dates: On Demand
Ask for on-demand and unlisted course venues and dates.
Seminar Fees:  $7,999
Group Discounts:  5% for 2 delegates. 10% for 3 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Seminar Options: The delivery method of this seminar is in classroom (in-person). If you have a special customization request (topics, duration, location, or delivery methods, including one-to-one coaching, blended learning [hybrid in-person and online learning]), please indicate that in the registration form.
Available at client site for a group of 5 or more delegates.
Seminar Advisor: Juan Del Valle
Seminar Advantage: Client Testimonials. Education Excellence. CEO Club. Thought Leadership
Registration: Apply.

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Seminar Audience

  • CEO's Team: General managers, business unit managers, head attorneys and entrepreneurs.

  • Note: This training course is designed for government and business professionals. We do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education, or initial licensing programs

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Seminar Objectives

  • Apply. negotiation techniques to agreement reaching with Latin American parties, identifying their culture and bias particularities.
  • Analyze strategies to generate value and options in negotiations with Latin American parties, without risking the possibility of optimal outcomes.
  • This course is intended and useful for both managers and attorneys.
  • Provide an understanding of negotiation structures, and enhance negotiation skills, both to generate solid business relationships and solve conflicts.
  • Design a negotiation path, comfortable for any professional, regardless of personality traits.
  • Disregard positions of power as effective negotiation practices.
  • Train delegates to reach optimal and fair agreements.
  • Analyze the steps in every negotiation, providing a useful roadmap to address any agreement reaching process.
  • Focus on determining interests over positions in the negotiation process, in order to generate value and options to secure reaching an optimal agreement.
  • Understand and practice on determining and obtaining a strong position within a negotiation through the identification and/or establishment of an Alternative to the negotiation.
  • Identify a successful procedure to determine when it is better not to negotiate an agreement.
  • Focus on ways to generate options that increase the possibility of reaching agreements for new-born business relationships, without risking interests.
  • Train delegates to view a negotiation as an opportunity to generate additional value and claim it.
  • Implement strategies to handle difficult negotiations, such as dealing with aggressive negotiators.
  • Develop communication skills by understanding the importance of listening and asking questions.
  • Understand and apply strategies to strengthen relationships with the other party, concentrating on clients and providers.
  • Apply. techniques to multi-party negotiation scenarios.
  • Focus on negotiating under ethical principles, and understanding the risks for a positive outcome when acting otherwise.

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Training Seminar Focus

  • Develop and enhance negotiation skills and competencies. The competencies include successful negotiation practices, reaching optimal agreements, generate value and options, and strengthen relationships.

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential project work

  • The development of management skills is based on KASAC executive education and management training model

Seminar Modules

  • Introduction to negotiations.
  • Who may be an effective negotiator prejudice attack.
  • Types of negotiations and main characteristics.
  • Turning Win-Lose negotiations into Win-Win scenarios.
  • Communication: Listening and asking questions as a tool.
  • Communication: The risk of poker in negotiations.
  • Analysis of BATNA and R.P.
  • Understanding of gaps and contact points in parties` interests
  • Generating options: Variable equalization for similar outcomes.
  • Inexistence of one-time negotiations: Business and/or legal relationship strengthening through negotiation.
  • Multi-party negotiations.
  • Ethics in negotiations.

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Key Concepts & Best Practices

  • Negotiation Best Practices:

    Negotiation Steps. Positions vs. Interests. Communication to reach agreements. Asking Questions. Variable Equalization for option generation. Alternatives to the Negotiation. Negotiating under ethical principles. Negotiation Development Strategy for Companies

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Courseware Content

The training courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's training guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and operations management best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Negotiation toolkit (management frameworks, decision-models, and checklists)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project

  6. Online resources for the completion of the experiential assessment project

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance evaluation is optional and can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The course advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback

  • The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Operations Management Course - Lean Six Sigma Course - Management Training  in Las Vegas USA Executive Seminar Registration

Advanced Negotiation Skills Seminar


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