International Institute of Management

Med Jones (Yones) Gross National Wellbeing and Happiness Index - GNW Index - GNH Index

Med Jones (Yones)

Med Jones is the president of the International Institute of Management A U.S. based think tank. Jones specializes in complex systems design and asymmetric strategy applications in the fields of economics, investment, and business. His work on financial markets, wellbeing economics and public policy is cited by government leaders, industry experts and academic researchers. 


Thought Leadership and Social Impact:


Professional Accomplishments

Predictive Analytics
Economic Forecasting and Investment Strategy

Med Jones is considered the most accurate economist among those who forecasted the U.S. economic crisis of 2008 and its recovery. His crisis statements and predictions are quoted in the financial media and followed by investment managers and economic researchers. To learn more, please visit summary of successful predictions. For industry recognition, please visit: Investment Management, Financial Economics and Forecasting page.


Happiness Economics and Wellbeing Public Policy
Gross National Wellbeing (GNW)
Economic Development and Policy Decision Model

Jones is considered one of the pioneers of happiness and wellbeing economics and integrated policy decision models. In 2005, he published a working paper describing the design of a new complex synthetic metric that fully integrates subjective and objective measures of wellbeing to overcome the limitation of the standard Gross Domestic Product (GDP) metric that has been used by economists and world governments for more than 80 years. The metric was designed to help government policy leaders and economists shift their focus from economic growth to national wellbeing development. In 2006, he published a policy white paper providing government implementation recommendations. The paper and frequently asked questions can be found at the institute's website: The American Pursuit of Unhappiness: Gross National Happiness and Well-being Index (GNH  / GNW Index) - A New Socioeconomic Development Policy Framework. The paper  helped launch a series of similar wellbeing socioeconomic development initiatives by several governments and international organizations. To learn more about the social impact of the GNW initiative, please visit: Gross National Happiness and Well-being Index (GNH / GNW Index) Impact page


Leadership Strategies
Governance, Organizational Development, and Alignment

As a management consultant, he helped clients evaluate the executive leadership performance and overcome cross-functional performance challenges. During his career, he discovered that many of the organizational failures can be traced to leadership blind spots and dysfunctional workplace politics. He compiled a checklist of observed symptoms and recommendations to help leaders diagnose the root causes of poor organizational performance. In 2005, he published an executive working paper providing a leadership tool for strategic alignment and overcoming negative workplace politics.  Unlike most academic research papers that are based on the thinking of other academics, with no executive management experience, the executive paper is based on first-hand real-world observations and problem-solving experience.  The latest version can be accessed at the institute's website:  The Politics of Failure: Workplace Politics & Poor Performance: Dysfunctional Organizations and Leadership. The paper is being used as a management tool by leaders in business and government organizations to help them identify symptoms of political leadership dysfunction  and overcome poor team performance. To learn more about industry recognition, please visit CEO Best Practices


Selected Opinions and Media Quotes

Management Opinions and Quotes


Selected Think Tank Papers and Articles

Investment Papers (Public Access)

Investment Papers (Private: Request Access)

  • BEV Investment Portfolio Model

  • Asymmetric Stock Picking Strategies

  • Optimal Stocks Valuation Model

  • Stock Picking Criteria: Information vs. Noise

  • Predictive Financial Models

Economic Development & Policy Papers (Public Access)

Economic Development Policy Papers: (Private: Request Access)

  • Gross National Development Research (1998)

  • Civil Conflict and Subjective Wellbeing Policy (1998)

  • Economics of Peace and War (1999)

  • Socioeconomic Well-being Theory (1998)

Business Articles and Op-Eds

Other Working Papers (Private: Request Access)

  • Neurocybernetics (1991)

  • Complex Decision-Making Models and Biases

  • Asymmetric Competitive Strategies


Selected Media Interviews

Note: The following interviews are dated before 2012. After 2011, Mr. Jones stopped giving public interviews on financial market forecasts. For investment think tank services, please contact the Institute.


Other Information

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Citizenship:

  • USA

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Politics:

  • Independent

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Non-Profit Support

  • In the past, he supported the following non-profit organizations:
    • Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), USA
    • World Vision, India
  • He is currently focused on a global governance and social impact initiatives at the institute

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Membership Organizations:

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Think Tank Media Resources

  • Media Note: Many in the media described Med Jones as an economist. Jones became an economist by accident. Although his most well-known works have been in economics, he has an unorthodox approach to economic thinking. He is more interested in information engineering, intelligent decision-making models and predictive analytics functions of economics. His work focuses on analyzing dynamic-complex-networked (DCN) systems and designing asymmetric strategies to optimize or engineer change. The applications of his proprietary work can be used in economics, investment and business strategies.

  • Media, Photos, Board, and Clients

Who Predicted the Financial Crisis | Economic Crisis Contact Information:

  • For speaking and consulting engagements, expert opinion, or interview requests, please contact the International Institute of Management
  • Please note that Mr. Jones is available for media interviews related to economic development and well-being, he does not give economic forecasting or investment related interviews. For investment think tank services, please contact the Institute.



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