Government Executive Education
Public Sector Management Courses
Seminars. Workshops. Master Classes.

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Executive Program in Public Sector Governance
    Public Governance Best Practices

Program Methods: Action Learning Seminar and Workshop
Program Venue: USA West (Jan to Dec): Las Vegas. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Seattle.
USA East (Jan to Dec): Chicago. Houston. Miami. New York. Washington, DC.
Europe (June to Oct): Amsterdam. Barcelona. Dublin. Frankfurt. London. Paris. Rome. Vienna. Warsaw. Zurich.
Asia Pacific: Bangkok. Singapore. Tokyo. Sydney.
Ask for on-demand and unlisted course venues.
Program Duration: 1 to 2 Weeks (1 week seminar + 1 week project)
Program Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Program Dates: Executive Education Calendar
Ask for on-demand and unlisted course venues and dates.
Program Fees:  $29,999
Group Discounts:  5% for 2 delegates. 10% for 3 or more delegates. Government and non-profit delegates receive up to 15% discount for 4 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Course Options: Available on client site for a group of 5 or more delegates.
The delivery method of this seminar is in classroom (in-person). If you have a special customization request (topics, duration, location, or delivery methods, including one-to-one coaching, blended learning [hybrid in-person and online learning]), please indicate that in the registration form.
Course Advantage: Client Testimonials. Education Excellence. CEO Club. Thought Leadership
Registration: Apply.

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Program Audience

  • This government training program is designed for public sector leaders, politicians, legislators, professional public managers, and management candidates. The target audience includes parliament members,  government agency managers, public policy consultants, policy and regulation specialists, and government relations managers at private sector companies and social support organizations.

  • Note: This program is designed as an advanced training for government and corporate professionals; we do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education, or initial licensing programs.

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Program Objectives 

  • Provide 360-degree view of the public sector management function to integrate and align policy with governance strategy
  • Offer experiential analysis of the challenges of public leaders and their government executives in leading and transforming their organizations
  • Share government strategy insights from the world's most successful governments
  • Review public sector governance frameworks, best practices, decision-making models and analysis tools
  • Identify governance blind spots and improvement areas
  • Explore government management best practices, tools, and decision-models for building high-performance government agencies
  • Create a work-based project to help candidates develop strategic initiatives based on their unique set of issues, resources and business environment

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses  Program Modules

The program consists of 2 modules:

  1. Public Governance Best Practices

  2. Government Agency Management Best Practices

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Module 1:Public Governance Best Practices

  • A review of governance frameworks and systems
  • Emerging trends, challenges and opportunities for governance and public sector management
  • The best practices and pitfalls of current governing systems
  • GNW /GND model for systematic analysis, design, implementation and evaluating of public policies and public investments
  • Balancing between performance (freedom) and risk management (control)
  • Global risk management, the changing new world order and national influence
  • Interrelationship between the public sector, markets, international governance systems

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Module 2: Government Agency Management Best Practices

  • Emerging challenges of leading in the public sector
  • The public executive leadership role, relationships, and change management best practices
  • Strategic public planning
  • Decision-making best practices and pitfalls
  • Review of sources of bias in decision making and governance
  • Culture, ethical values and behavior: The 7 principles of ethical governance framework: service, transparency, accountability, consistent, fairness, focus, integrity, and objectivity
  • Stakeholders public accountability; transparency and reporting

Special Topics and Customization Requests:

  • Preventing corruption and agency capture
  • Managing legalized corruption and abuse of power
  • The benefits and risks of public-private partnership
  • Public sector economics and the role of economics in governance
  • Public finance role in governance
  • Legislative and regulatory role of the state
  • Judicial independence and the rule of law
  • Role of national and international money and finance in governance
  • A critical analysis of the United States governance system
  • A critical analysis of the European Union governance system
  • A critical analysis of the United Nations governance system
  • Global governance and the changing world order - Analysis of emerging challenges and solutions
  • Advanced advocacy and reform strategies
  • Advanced risk management
  • Review of structural reforms in the areas of labor markets, education and social security, health reforms, infrastructure, and privatization
  • Identifying the key institutional power players and their influence in the United States and global governance system
  • The role of the HR and administrative office in governance; expertise, policies, evaluation and audit

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential project work

  • The development of executive management skills is based on KASAC executive education and management training model

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Courseware Content (Customized)

The Public Sector Governance courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's training guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and leadership best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Public CEO's toolkit (management frameworks, decision-models, and checklists)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance evaluation is optional and can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The program advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback. The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Public Sector Governance Training: Public Sector Governance Best Practices Seminar and Courses Program Registration

Executive Program in Public Sector Governance

Client Testimonials.     Executive Education Excellence.     CEO Club.
CEO Seminars.    Action Learning.     Thought Leadership.
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The Executive Education Institute offers best of class executive education and management seminars, workshops, and master classes for government, investment and business CEOs in USA, Canada, and Europe. Top seminars: Management Leadership, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Strategy, Human Resources, HRM, HR, Marketing, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, MIS, IT, Information Systems, Operations in USA, Canada, and Europe. Delivering corporate training via In-Person (Classroom) Action-Learning, Online Distance Learning (Zoom), and Strategic Retreats. Top Seminar Cities and Venues in Las Vegas, New York, NYC, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington DC., Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, London, UK. Paris, France. Rome, Italy. Barcelona, Spain.  Zurich, Switzerland. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vienna, Austria. Dublin, Ireland. Munich, Germany. Stockholm, Sweden. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oslo, Norway. Kiev, Ukraine. Warsaw, Poland. Seminars for CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CHRO and HR Managers. All of the courses are based on best practices Executive Action Learning Model, consulting and strategic retreats
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