Executive Education
Seminars. Workshops. Master Classes.

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Investment Analysis & Financial Modeling Seminar
Investment Valuation Best Practices

Training Model: Action Learning Seminar and Workshop
Seminar Venue: USA West: Las Vegas, NV. Los Angeles, CA. San Francisco, CA. Seattle, WA.
USA East: Chicago, IL. Houston, TX. New York (NYC), NY. Washington, DC. Miami, FL.
Seminar Duration: 2 weeks (1-week seminar + 1-week project)
Seminar Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Seminar Dates: Executive Education Courses Calendar
Seminar Fees:  $19,999
Group Discounts:  5% for 2 delegates. 10% for 3 or more delegates. Government and non-profit delegates receive up to 15% discount for 4 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Program Options: Available on client site for a group of 5 or more delegates.
The delivery method of this seminar is in classroom (in-person). If you have a special customization request (topics, duration, location, or delivery methods, including one-to-one coaching, blended learning [hybrid in-person and online learning]), please indicate that in the registration form.
Seminar Advantage: Client Testimonials. Education Excellence. CEO Club

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Seminar Audience 

  • Chief Investment Officer's (CIO) team, including investment managers, fund managers, finance managers, investment advisors, private equity managers, hedge fund managers, investment analysts, portfolio managers, investor relations managers, family offices, HNWI, UHNWI, and professional investors

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe.  Training Prerequisites

  • Note: We do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education, or initial licensing programs

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Seminar Objectives 

  • Provide 360-degree view of the investment analysis and modeling function to identify potential blind spots, improvement areas

  • Provide an understanding of the modern investment analysis frameworks, decision-making models, and tools to implement an effective investment management system

  • Offer experiential analysis of the challenges of CIOs and Investment Managers in analysis and valuation of companies in various industries

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Training Focus

  • Develop the core investment management skills and competencies. The core competencies include securities valuation and analysis, investment strategies, investment risk management, hedging, portfolio analysis, and asset allocation

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential project work

  • The development of management skills is based on KASAC executive education and management training model

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Key Concepts

  • Top Investment Questions. CIO  Challenges. Financial Markets. Financial Instruments. Alternative Investments. Key investment Criteria. Investment Risk Management. Investments Valuation. Investment Ratios. M&A Valuations

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Training Seminar Subjects 

  • An overview of financial markets

    • investment banking, primary and secondary markets, security exchanges, US markets, and international markets. Financial instruments; government T-bills, bonds, TIPs, municipal bonds, money markets, preferred and common stocks, corporate bonds, warrants, options, futures and other derivative securities

  • An overview of investment management principles

    • financial statements quick overview, financial performance analysis (ratio analysis), and asset pricing (security valuation), types of investment securities; security market operations; investment policies; security analysis, risk, return, nominal and real returns, and transaction costs 

  • The science and art of forecasting, modeling and optimization

    • Identifying and using key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Analyzing financial models including discounted cash flow analysis, sensitivity analysis, and full appraisal.
    • Analyzing and building business, credit, and liquidity risk models.
    • Corporate Financial Performance Analysis - A Quick Refresher

      • Financial Statements and Financial Ratio Analysis

      • Present of Future Value of Investments

    • Financial Models, Design, Functions and Applications

    • Modeling Processes, Best Practices and Pitfalls

    • Hypothesis Testing and Goodness of Fit

    • Linear Models and Optimization: Discrete Time, Variable vs. Constant Growth

    • Probabilistic Models: Regression Models, Probability Trees, Monte Carlo Simulations, Markov Chain Models)

    • Distributions: The Empirical Rule. Discrete, Continuous, Normal, Binomial, and Bernoulli Distributions.

    • Regression Model: Applications, Regression Coefficients, R-squared and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Fitting Curves to Data, Multiple Regression and Logistic Regression

    • Modeling Internal and External Investment Projects:

      • Income Forecasting, Time Horizon, Risks, Qualitative and Quantitative Variables, External and External Variables and Uncertainty

      • Optimizing Under High Uncertainty, Probability Distributions, Uncertainty and Risk, Sensitivity Analysis and Efficient Frontier

      • Random Variables, Risk Reduction, and Calculating and Interpreting Correlation Values

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Customization Subject for In-depth Analysis

  • An Investment Managers Review of:
    • Income Statement Analysis: Revenue and Cost recognition issues, non-recurring items, the MD&A, the notes to the accounts, EBIT and EBITDA, basic and diluted earnings per share
    • Working Capital Analysis: Inventory accounting. EBIT of LIFO and FIFO. Accounts receivable and bad debts. Sales manipulation, Accounts payable and accruals,  taxes payable, deferred revenue, and pre-paid items, Working capital and operating working capital, Credit implications of working capital movements. Day ratios
    • Non-Current Assets Analysis: Gross PP&E, accumulated depreciation, depreciation expense and net PP&E, aging and forecasting fixed assets, intangibles and goodwill. At fair value. Available for sale. Associate (equity method) accounting
    •  Capital Structure Analysis: Debt issues and repurchases. Yield to maturity and Original Issuer Discounts. Equity issuance and repurchases. Authorized, issued and outstanding shares and multiple share classes. Preferred shares and convertible bonds. Leverage ratios. Debt liability maturity analysis
    • Accounting Ratios Analysis: Profitability ratios. Liquidity ratios. Leverage ratios. Asset ratios
    • Cash Flow Statements Analysis: Cash flows from operating, investing, and financing
    • Equity Method Investments Analysis: Equity affiliates/associates and Joint ventures. Equity method accounting
  • Valuations Analysis: M&A accounting. Sources and uses of funds. Goodwill calculation Calculating equity value and enterprise value Non-core items, debt equivalent items, and non-controlling interests The impact of leverage, growth rates, returns and multiples on valuations. Comparables vs. forward multiples. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). WACC analysis. Cost of debt and equity, beta, risk premium, and capital structure

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Courseware Content (Customized)

The Investment Management training courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's training guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and finance management best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Investment management toolkit (management frameworks, decision-models, and checklists)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance evaluation is optional and can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The course advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback. The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Notes: Role, Purpose and Conflict of Interest

  • The institute is a think tank and education organization. Our opinion is incidental to our profession. We are not an investment advisory or brokerage firm. We do not sell investments and we do not seek outside investments. We do not manage external assets. We do not function as a rating agency.  We do not accept compensation from companies for review or rating purposes. Any recommendation for or against any asset, trading strategy, buy or sell action is done for an educational purpose only. The expressed opinions should not be considered as an endorsement for or against any asset, company or investment firm. Markets are hyper-dynamic, we cannot and do not time the stock market. Our forecasts continuously change with changing data; they are used as an input to complex risk management and valuation decision models. Despite past success in economic forecasting and research portfolio designs, we do not provide any guarantee for future forecasts or performance.

Investment Management Training: Investment Management Courses and Investment Management Seminars and CIO Master Classes  in USA, Canada and Europe. Executive Seminar Registration

  • Investment Analysis & Financial Modeling Seminar
    • Accelerated workshop in-classroom (In-person)
    • Experiential Action Learning
    • Requires seat reservation
Executive Seminar Registration


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The Executive Education Institute offers best of class executive education and management seminars, workshops, and master classes for government, investment and business CEOs in USA, Canada, and Europe. Top seminars: Management Leadership, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Strategy, Human Resources, HRM, HR, Marketing, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, MIS, IT, Information Systems, Operations in USA, Canada, and Europe. Delivering corporate training via In-Person (Classroom) Action-Learning, Online Distance Learning (Zoom), and Strategic Retreats. Top Seminar Cities and Venues in Las Vegas, New York, NYC, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington DC., Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver, London, UK. Paris, France. Rome, Italy. Barcelona, Spain.  Zurich, Switzerland. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vienna, Austria. Dublin, Ireland. Munich, Germany. Stockholm, Sweden. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oslo, Norway. Kiev, Ukraine. Warsaw, Poland. Seminars for CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CHRO and HR Managers. All of the courses are based on best practices Executive Action Learning Model, consulting and strategic retreats
Executive Education and Professional Development
Master Classes. Workshops. Seminars.
Corporate Training.  Strategic Retreats.  Master Classes. 


Executive Education Calendar

USA and Canada Seminars Calendar 2024.
Europe Seminars Calendar 2024.


Executive Education Courses and Seminars

Executive Education.  Executive Seminars.  Executive Programs.
  Government Seminars.  CEO Seminars. 


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