World's Most Respected Companies

Most Respected Companies

The Executive Society recognizes and honors the works of the world's top global companies. A team of the Institute researchers conducted the study. Researchers' criteria for accepting nominations included the importance of the company's products and services, globalization of operations and markets, stakeholders satisfaction (employees, clients, partners and investors), successful business growth, recognition within the consulting, academic and international management communities.

The World's Most Respected Global Companies (Top 10)

Ranking     Best Companies  Country  Sector
1  Microsoft  USA  IT
2  Toyota  Japan  Auto
3  BP  UK  Oil
5  Nokia  Finland  Electronics
6  Canon  Japan  Electronics
7  Citigroup  USA  Financial Services
8  L'Oreal  France  Cosmetics
9  DaimlerChrysler  Germany  Auto
10  Nestle  Switzerland  Food

According to Mr. Med Jones, Editor-in-Chief, no "elite" list is all-inclusive. There are many successful companies that do not have equal media or research exposure. The nomination for A List is open worldwide. To participate in the survey, please visit Polls.

Methodology and Ranking Criteria

The survey methodology provides the ability to validate nominations and allows insights into the nominees' critical success factors.
  • Public stakeholders can nominate the most respected companies and their leaders.

  • Voters are then asked to give the reasons for their nominations, thus providing valuable insight into what key factors drive the success of these nominees. Questions are presented in free-form and open-ended formats.

  • Further research is conducted to validate the entries using sales figures, business/investment analysts ratings, competitive benchmarking and market impact as expressed in the global media.

  • After verification and acceptance of the nomination, the input is then statistically analyzed taking into consideration the geographic region, the relationship with the company, the number of votes, the listed reasons and the order in which they are listed.

  • When two or more companies score equally on overall ratings (reach a tie), the Institute editors refer to the number of votes.

In a nutshell, the public nominates, the think tank editors validate the nominations, and the number votes determines the respectability and ranking.

Other "A List" survey results

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